CrimeCraft is a 3rd person online shooter set in the future. It combines shooter and RPG elements in a futuristic world where society has collapsed and everybody fights for themselves. It features both single and multiplayer modes, however, the game is mostly based on PvP. It does have a good storyline at the beginning but as you play, you can get less and less interested in it. The main focus of the game is on fast-paced action.
When first entering the game, you'll need to create a character. There are quite a lot of options and you can really create a character which has an original look. After this you can begin playing but you aren't allowed to enter the real game world just yet. You first need to play quite a big number of missions that are designed as sort of a tutorial. I said sort of a tutorial because there is no real dedicated tutorial. Instead of loading screens, give some tips and you're largely left to explore the game by yourself.
The gameplay is a lot of fun and very fast-paced. The 3rd person camera view also looks very good and it is well-designed. The game also allows for mobility: you can jump over obstacles, sprint, crouch and it also has some hand-to-hand combat. It is primarily a shooter, however, you level up and gain skills just like in a role-playing game. Gaining experience is mostly done by completing missions. Most of them put you in a gang with other players against others. There are some missions which are similar to RPG games like boss battles where many people gather to defeat one big and powerful enemy. A bad side of the game is that it has a mediocre player base. A lot of missions require a minimum number of players so this means that you can spend a lot of time just waiting for missions to begin.
CrimeCraft is definitely one of the finest 3rd person shooters out there. It is truly a unique game because it combines so many elements from other genres. I recommend it for players who like FPS games but are also fans of RPG's and MMO games in general.